Minimally invasive prosthetic procedures (MIPP) in prosthetic rehabilitations - 2025

4-day course | DISPONIBILE

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The design of full-mouth rehabilitations for an optimal esthetic result requires correct treatment planning, evaluation of a suitable ceramic material and skillful application and techniques. Current technologies validly support the clinician in the definition of an ideal treatment plan and the optimisation of time and costs. In particular the dentist can count on new digital tools guiding him/her in the step-by-step collection of all the necessary data. The selection of the ceramic material with the dental technician is another fundamental step in the management of complex rehabilitation cases.

Nowadays a systematic approach based on a 35-year experience allows the dentist to face highly compromised clinical situations with the application of minimally invasive prosthetic procedures. Thanks to the alteration of the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion (VDO) it is possible to take advantage of the newly created space between the two arches: the result of this technique leads to a dramatic minimisation of the invasiveness of the prosthetic treatment when using veneers, full-veneers, buccal-occlusal veneers and table tops, even with reduced ceramic thickness. This procedure also enables the clinician to re-establish an ideal occlusal relationship and avoid additional endodontic and/or surgical procedures, which traditionally were necessary in order to improve the retention of the restorations. Finally, the maintenance of a maximum amount of enamel combined with the use of the appropriate bonding technique guarantee a remarkable resistance of the restorations and a long-lasting result of the prosthetic rehabilitation.

A 12-year follow up of this technique will be presented through the presentation of clinical cases.

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Bonifico bancario intestato a:

Banca Intesa San Paolo
Corso XI Settembre, 94 – 61121 Pesaro (PU)
Conto: 00016870
IBAN: IT69 OØ3Ø 6913 3Ø41 ØØØØ ØØ16 87Ø

Quota di partecipazione a persona
€3.900,00 + IVA 22%
October 15-18, 2025

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