Fradeani Education

Fradeani Education organizes dentistry courses in Italy and abroad, held by Dr. Mauro Fradeani and his team

They said about us


  • “Thank you for opening my eyes on various fields of dentistry”

    Dr. Francesca Campolo

  • “When you find somebody who offers you his intelligence and work you have found a Teacher”

    Dr. Gennaro Brandi

  • “Mauro, after attending your course I can confirm it: you are the King of world dentistry!”

    Dr. Artur Makarov

  • "I would like to thank you for what you shared with us this year, and also renew my praise for your precision, professionalism and helpfulness."

    Dr. Andrea Gerardi

  • "I think this course, your teachings, and your helpfulness have definitely changed all of our lives! Every day I try to put into practice the knowledge I learned by you and this makes me happier and happier. Thank you."

    Dr. Edoardo Franzini

  • "By following this course I had the chance to experience the most efficient and pleasant improvement in the learning curve of my entire career."

    Dr. Carlo Graziani

Fradeani Education team

The aim of this working team founded by Mauro Fradeani is to share, spread and promote worldwide an Italian model of excellence in dentistry, based on clinical accuracy and operative simplicity.


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@2021 | Fradeani Education | 02578130417